
Hey Rogues!

Check out this excerpt from my upcoming novella! Available for you to download for FREE very soon!


“Thanks, Mac.”

“Don’t mention it. Now, will you please watch the fucking sky?”

I grinned through my beard. “With pleasure.” I turned back to the controls and peeled upwards, expanding the map on the console with my fingers. I jabbed at the channel and locked it off as a target. A green circle appeared on the windscreen and whipped sideways as I banked away, until it settled in the corner of the screen while the channel moved out of view. I watched it sail across the bottom of the glass until it flew back into view on the otherside. I got the hammer down, pushed the thrusters into overdrive and gave a thumbs up over my shoulder. I heard Fish and Mac unfasten themselves and dash out of the cockpit as I armed every missile and flare we had. I selected as many targets as I could before they shot out of view as we zoomed past, and then opened up. I felt the hull fizz and vibrate as sixty sidewinders, forty ASMs, and a boat load of flares and cluster grenades all freed themselves from the undercarriage. We honed in on the channel, speed climbing and I swallowed. Now or never. I unclasped my harness and kicked the autopilot button with my heel. A green light flashed on the dashboard and I stood up.

I got halfway to the door before the tilt wing lurched, another shell exploding under the left wing. The high pitched whine of the engine coughed and sank to a lower register. A cold shiver ran down my spine and I skidded to a halt. A beep rang in the cabin and I closed my eyes, grinding my teeth. I felt the ship start to tilt and move off course. I turned around, knuckles white, fists curled, and headed for the controls.

The green light was blinking red. I ignored the huge flashing letters emblazoned across the windshield and strapped back in. I flicked the comms to open and cracked my neck. “Mac, Fish,” I called, my voice ringing across the ship. “We’re coming up on the DZ, you ready?”

“Where the fuck are you, Red?” Mac yelled back. I could hear his Ham humming to life in the background.

“Ten seconds.”

“Red – you better not be in the cockpit. Red?” His voice was strained.

My hands closed around the joysticks, slick with sweat. “Five seconds.” I levelled us out.

“Red, don’t you fucking-”

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